Services and Administrative Work in City Hall

公開日 2012年11月02日

更新日 2016年12月14日

The following information is a broad outline of the services and administrative work done by specific offices at the City Hall. Please note that services might not be able to be received unless you complete the necessary procedures, even if you meet the requirements. If you would like more information, please contact the respective offices directly.

When you inquire at telephone numbers listed in this page, please speak in Japanese or ask someone who speaks Japanese call for you, unless otherwise noted.
If you don't speak Japanese, please get in contact with the international relations section at city hall or the international relations organization, and arrangements for getting an interpreter will be made, if possible.
The area code for all telephone numbers is “0242”, unless otherwise noted.

A    Identification

Contents Inquires
1.Residence Card (Zairyu Card)
People aged 16 and over need to carry a residence card at all times.
Registration and Vital Statistics Division
(Shimin-ka TEL:39-1229)

“The Registration System for Foreign Residents Changed on July 9, 2012”
A “Residence Card” or “Special Permanent Resident Certificate” are granted in place of a “Foreign Resident Registration Card”. Although the Foreign Resident Registration Card you currently hold are still recognized for a designated period of time after the new system began, you are required to replace your Foreign Resident Registration Card with a Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate by a designated date depending on your status of residence. A Residence Card are issued to medium to long-term residents when granted permission pertaining to residence, such as landing permission, permission for change of status of residence, or permission for extension of the period of stay by the Immigration Bureau. A Special Permanent Resident Certificate are issued to special permanent residents. As usual, the issuing location is the counter at city hall. “Residence Records” (Jyuminhyo) are created for foreign residents in the same manner as for Japanese residents.

Please see here for more details.

2.Notifications of Moving in/out and Change of Address
When you move in Aizu Wakamatsu city or if there is a change of your address in the city, you must file a notification to the counter at the Registration and Vital Statistics Division (Shimin-ka) within 14 days of the change. If you will be moving from Aizu Wakamtsu city to another city or leaving Japan, please complete the designated procedures for moving out at the Registration and Vital Statistics Division beforehand.
3.Residence Card That Are Lost, Stolen
Please report lost or stolen Residence Card to the police. Within 14 days after realizing the loss, please bring photo, a passport and “Proof of Loss Certificate” (or “Proof of Stolen Certificate”) issued by the police to the Immigration Bureau, and apply for a Residence Card to be reissued.
4.Birth Notification
When a child was born, please report within 14 days to the Registration and Vital Statistics Division (Shimin-ka) with your Maternal and Child Health Handbook and Birth Certificate issued by a doctor. Please report to the Immigration Bureau to receive status of residence for your child within 30 days of the birth.
5.Marriage Registration
Upon marriage, if one person of the couple has Japanese citizenship, report the marriage to the municipal government where the Japanese person has his/her Honseki (permanent domicile), or where he/she currently resides. If both are non Japanese, they are required to go to the municipal government where they register themselves. After reporting the marriage, if you change any information on your Residence Card, please report to the Immigration Bureau.
6.Death Notification
A family member, relative, or roommate should report the death to the Registration and Vital Statistics Division (Shimin-ka) within 7 days along with the Post-Mortem Certificate from the doctor in charge. Please return the deceased person's Residence Card to the Immigration Bureau. There is also paperwork to be filled out at the National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka) if the deceased person was covered by National Health Insurance.

B    Insurance and Pension

Contents Inquires

7.National Health Insurance Plan
A health insurance card is required for receiving medical treatment for illness or injury. If you are a non-Japanese person to whom the Basic Resident Registration Act applies (the act applies to foreign residents who have stayed or are planning to stay in Japan legally for more than three months and those whose domiciles are in Aizu-Wakamatsu City), and are not enrolled in a health insurance plan through your employer, you are required to enroll in the National Health Insurance system and pay the insurance tax. Those who enroll in the National Health Insurance system and present their health insurance card at the medical institution will pay only 30 percent of all medical costs. If you are 75 years old or older, you need to join the late-stage medical care system for the elderly.

Please see here for more details.

National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka TEL:39-1249) 
8.National Pension Plan
People living in Japan between the ages of 20 and 60, regardless of their nationalities, are required to join this pension plan. National Pension is provided to those who meet eligibility requirements when they have turned 65 years old.
9.Burial and Funeral Service Allowance
When foreign nationals on the National Health Insurance plan or the late-stage medical care system for the elderly pass away during their stay in Japan, allowance for burial and funeral services is provided.
National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka TEL:39-1244)
10.Citizens' Mutual Aid Insurance Plan for Traffic Accidents
This plan offers a consolation payment when any of its members go to the hospital or are hospitalized as a lesult of atraffic accident. It costs 500 yen per person, applicable from April through March each year.
Disaster Prevention and Safety Division
(Kiki Kanri-ka TEL:39-1227)

C    Children's Welfare

Contents Inquires
11.The Issue of The Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Boshi Kenko Techo)
When you find out that you are pregnant, please receive a Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Boshi Kenko Techo) as soon as possible.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
12. Lump-Sum Allowance for Childbirth
When mothers give birth, a Lump-Sum Allowance for Childbirth is provided. If you are member of National Health Insurance, please inquire at the Kokuho Nenkin-ka (National Health Insurance and Pension Division) and if you are member of other insurance plans, please inquire at your work places.
National Health Insurance: go to the National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka TEL:39-1244)
Other Insurances: go to place of employment
13.Vaccination and Health Examinations
The information on immunization and health examinations will be sent to each household for the eligible children. The information on the exams and immunizations differs according to the age of the child.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
14.Children’s Allowance
Children's  Allowance is provided for families with children who are in the 3rd-year of junior high school and younger.
Children Division
(Kodomo Katei-ka TEL:39-1243)
15.Child-Care Allowance
Child-Care Allowance is provided for a father/mother or guardian who has a child aged under 18 (or aged under 20 if the child has a physical/mental disability) and does not have a father/mother, or the father/mother has an extreme physical/mental disability.
16.Special Child-Care Allowance
The parent/guardian of a child aged under 20 who has a mental- physical handicap is eligible for this allowance.
Social Welfare Services Division
(Shakaisha Shien-ka TEL:39-1241)
17.Welfare Allowance for Disabled Children
When a child aged under 20 has a severe disability that requires constant supervision, the child is eligible for this allowance.
18.Subsidized Aid for Children’s Medical Treatment
Children who are covered by Japanese public medical insurance plans have part of their medical fees and the meal charge at the time of hospital admission subsidized. Hospitalization expenses can be subsided to children f up to the 3rd-year junior high school students. Outpatient costs can be subsided to children up to the 3rd-year elementary school students. Those who are members of National Health Insurance are automatically granted this subsidy and need to make no application.
Children Division
(Kodomo Katei-ka TEL:39-1243)
19.Aid of Medical Expenses for Single Parent Families
Medical fees are partially subsidized for the members of Japanese public medical insurance who are either single-parents of children under 18 years old (and living with them), or the guardians of children without parents.
20.Allowance for Bereaved Children
As of May 5th every year, children who are in the 1st-year of elementary/junior high school (including Special-needs Schools) and have experienced the loss of their father and/or mother can receive this allowance.
21.Nursery Schools
If children cannot be properly taken care of at home because both parents work or for any other reason, the children may be taken care of at a nursery school in the city. Children from 0 to 5 years old can be admitted, but various conditions and restrictions apply, depending on each nursery school.
22.Children’s Club (Kodomo Club)
If children have no one to look after them at home after school, because their family members are working or for other reasons, they can use Children's Clubs. These are for children in the 1st-year through 3rd-year of elementary school. The applicable children’s age differs depending on the facility.
23.Children’s Hall
As the base for children’s healthy growth, we will lead their lifestyle through their (elementary school, junior high school, and high school students) individual or group activities and support their independent activities.
24.Pre-Kindergarten Club
Various games and activities are introduced for children and guardians to play together so that children can get used to group activities. This club is for children aged 1 year and over and accompanying guardians.
25.Public Kindergartens
A child who is 4 or 5 years old and not attending any school can enroll in a public kindergarten.

School Education Division

(Gakko Kyoiku-ka TEL:39-1303)

26.Public Elementary and Junior High Schools
There are various forms and paperwork for enrollment to a public school.

D    Adult Welfare and Health

Contents Inquires
27.Disabled Persons’ Certificate and Services
Disabled Persons’ Certificate holders are entitled to receive various services from the city, depending on the severity of the handicap.
Social Welfare Services Division
(Shakai Fukushi-ka TEL:39-1241)
28.Special Disabled Person Support Allowance
Disabled persons aged 20 or over who need care at any time in their daily life may be eligible for this allowance.
29.Allowance for Patients of Certain Ailments
People undergoing continuous treatment for intractable diseases including kidney dialysis may be eligible for this allowance.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
30. Special Health Examination
Peaple aged 40 and over are measured adominal circumference, blood-pressure and run a blood test.
National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka TEL:39-1244)
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
31.Thorax Examination
Peaple aged 35 and over are given a chest x-ray.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
32.Pap Smear Test
Women aged 20 and over, even-numbered age and don't have a pap smear test previous year are tested for cell abnormalities that may be related to cervical cancer.
33.Breast Cancer Screening
Women aged 40 and over, even-numbered age and don't have a breast cancer screening are given a clinical breast examination and a mammography screening.
34.Examination of Stomach, Colon, and Lung Cancer
Peaple aged 35 and over are given a fluoroscopy examination of the stomach, a stool test for occult blood  and a sputum examination.
35.Dental Examination
Peaple aged 30 to 50 are given a dental examination.
36.Osteoporosis  Examination
Women aged 60 and 65 are given a bone density test.
37.Nursing Homes for The Elderly
People aged around 65 and over who have difficulty living in their own homes because of problems surrounding them or financial problems and have low incomes are eligible to enter these homes.
Senior Citizens Welfare Division
(Korei Fukushi-ka TEL:39-1291)
38.Food Delivery Service for The Elderly
People aged 65 and over who live alone, and have difficulty in preparing their meals because they are suffering from mental/physical disabilities, or diseases are eligible to receive this service.
39.Emergency Alarm System
People aged 65 and over who live alone, or those who live alone with heavy physical disabilities are eligible for this service.
40.Coupons for Disposable Diapers
Coupons for disposable diapers are to be issued for people aged 65 and over who are bed-ridden or have incontinence due to severe dementia.
41.Long-Term Nursing-Care Insurance System for The Elderly
In case people aged 40 and over who pay nursing insurance are approved of their needs for nursing-care, they can receive the service at the charge of 10% of the service cost.

E    Daily Life

Contents Inquires
42.Municipal Dwelling/Housing
There is available municipal/prefectural public lodging. Please inquire for eligibility, periods of application, applications, and lotteries. Please inquire at the Architecture and Construction Division (Kenchiku-ka) for city-owned housing and at the Aizu District Prefectural Housing Management Office for prefectural-owned housing.
City Housing: go to the Architecture and Construction Division (Kenchiku-ka TEL:39-1268)
Prefectural Housing: go to the Aizu District Prefectural Housing Management Office (Aizu Chiku Kenei Jutaku Kanri-jimusho TEL:29-5526)
43.Water Utilities
Water can be turned on after application. Please contact us when you wish to disconnect water services when moving out etc. Upon on request from the intended water user, a person such as a landlord can apply for the water supply on behalf of the user.
Water Charge Center
(Suido Ryokin Center TEL:22-6172)
Sewage lines can be used if applied for.
Sewage Division
(Gesuido-ka TEL:39-1271)
45.Sewage Disposal
Sewage disposal is conducted every month. Please make sure to notify your moving-in/out to the Registration and Vital Statistics Division (Shimin-ka) and the Waste Disposal Division (Haikibutsu Taisaku-ka).
Waste Disposal Division
(Haikibutsu Taisaku-ka TEL:27-3961)
46.Collection of Garbage and Recyclables
Please make sure to separate your garbage and recycles into “Burnable Garbage”, “Unburnable Garbage”, “Bottles”, “Cans”, “Used Papers”, “PET-bottles”, “Plastic Containers and Wrapping”, and “Over-sized Garbage” and place them in your neighborhood's designated area. Garbage collection days vary depending on the area you reside in. You need to arrange for the collection of “Over-sized Garbage” in advance. Please see the city’s website “Living Information” for more details.
47.Pick Up of Dead Cats and Dogs
Please contact the Waste Disposal Division for pick up of dead dogs, cats, and other animals. Please note that you need to pay a fee for pick up of pet dogs and cats.
48.Dog Registration
Dog owners are required to register their dogs. The dogs need to get a rabies shot once a year.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
49.City Bulletins (Shiseidayori)
The Japanese version “Shiseidayori” is delivered once a month via the neighborhood associations. An English abbreviated version is sent out to applicants by mail once a month. If you wish to have one, please contact us.
Secretariat and Public Relations Division
(Hisho Kocho-ka TEL:39-1206)

F    Consultation Services

Contents Inquires
50.Tax Consultation (Municipal Tax)
This service is for people concerned about payment of municipal tax.
Tax Payment Division
(Nozei-ka TEL:39-1406)
51.Tax Consultation (National Health Insurance Tax)
This service is for people concerned about payment of national health insurance tax.
National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho Nenkin-ka TEL:39-1248)
52.Counseling for Women
This service is for women to consult on matters such as divorce and domestic violence (DV).
Consultation Line for Women’s Welfare, Consultation Line for Family and Children.
(Josei Fukushi Sodanshitsu, Katei Jido Sodanshitsu  TEL:32-4470)
53.Child Counseling
This service is for any kind of problems regarding children.
54.Child Care and Health Counseling Line
This telephone service is for parents to consult about matters such as childcare and healthcare for children between the ages of 0 to 5.
Chuo Nursery School
(Chuo Hoikusho TEL:28-6926)
55.Pregnancy Counseling
Advice and counseling for pregnant women.
Public Health Division
(Kenko Zoshin-ka TEL:39-1245)
56.Educational Counseling
This service is for parents to consult on the education of school aged children.

School Education Division

(Gakko Kyoiku-ka TEL:39-1303)
Line for Consultation on Education 
(Kyoiku Soudanshitsu TEL:32-4441)

57.Youth Guidance Line
This call-in telephone counseling service is for young people.
Youth Guidance Center
(Shonen Center TEL:39-1304)
58.Consumer Affairs Consultation
This service is to consult about concerns of consumers’ lives.
Consumer Affairs Center
(Shohi Seikatsu Center TEL:39-1228)
59.Citizen’s Consultation
This service is for general concerns that don’t fit into any of the aforementioned categories.
Environment and Community Services Division (Kankyo Seikatsu-ka TEL:39-1221)

Contact Information

  • Kikaku Chosei-ka (Planning and Coordination Division of Aizu-Wakamatsu City Hall)
  • TEL:[ 0242-39-1201 ]
  • FAX:[ 0242-39-1400 ]
  • メール送信フォームへのリンクEmail: Kikaku Chosei-ka